Large front-facing lounge having UPVC double glazed window, gas central heating radiator, and carpeted flooring. Neutrally decorated with leather effect sofa, feature fireplace, and including TV and Cable TV.
Well-presented rear facing dining kitchen fitted with a good range of modern white wall and base units with contrasting work surface incorporating stainless steel one and a half bowl sink with mixer tap and drainer. Benefiting from a range of appliances including four burner gas hob with electric oven beneath and stainless steel extractor above, microwave, washing machine, tumble dryer, toaster, kettle, and freestanding fridge/freezer. Having cushioned flooring, UPVC double glazed window overlooking the rear garden, gas central heating radiator, and tiled splash backs. Also having contemporary glass table with four dining chairs providing space for seating and housing the newly fitted combination boiler.
Communal shower room located on the ground floor and fitted with white suite comprising: shower cubicle with tiled splash back, corner low flush WC and pedestal wash hand basin with mixer tap. Having cushioned flooring, gas central heating radiator and UPVC double glazed obscured glass window,
Communal bathroom fitted with white suite comprising: paneled bath with thermostatic shower over and glass shower screen and pedestal wash hand basin with vanity mirror over. Having gas central heating radiator, cushioned flooring, and tiled splash backs.
Large double bedroom having UPVC double glazed window, carpeted flooring, and gas central heating radiator. Also benefiting from en-suite shower room and including bedroom furniture as pictured.
En-suite shower room newly fitted with white suite comprising: shower cubicle with thermostatic shower and folding door, low flush WC, and wall mounted corner wash hand basin. Having cushioned flooring, heated towel rail, and extractor fan.
Additional living space included with the top floor bedroom having carpeted flooring, gas central heating radiator, and UPVC double glazed window. Neutrally decorated and benefiting from leather effect sofa, shelving unit and desk with high gloss drawer unit.
Having driveway to the side of the property providing access to the enclosed communal laid to lawn garden with patio seating area and communal car parking spaces.