Entrance through front facing UPVC double glazed door into entrance hallway. Having tile effect laminate flooring and carpeted stairs rising to first floor.
Neutrally decorated front facing living room the focal point being the modern feature fireplace. Having carpeted flooring, UPVC double glazed window, gas central heating radiator and providing access to useful understairs storage cupboard.
Modern kitchen/diner fitted with a comprehensive range of base and wall units with contrasting dark work surface incorporating a stainless steel sink with drainer and mixer tap. Having four burner gas hob with extractor above and double oven below, integrated fridge-freezer, washing machine and dishwasher. Also benefiting from rear facing UPVC double glazed window, rear facing UPVC door and UPVC French doors opening onto the garden.
Carpeted and having UPVC double glazed window and airing cupboard housing the combi boiler.
Front facing master bedroom having UPVC double glazed window, gas central heating radiator and carpeted flooring. Also benefiting from large integrated wardrobes.
Having carpeted flooring, gas central heating radiator and UPVC double glazed window.
Having carpeted flooring, gas central heating radiator and UPVC double glazed window.
Tiled bathroom fitted with white suite comprising: paneled bath with shower over, pedestal wash hand basin and low flush WC. Having tully tiled flooring and UPVC double glazed obscured window.
To the front of the property there is a lawned garden and driveway providing off road parking.
There is also a detached garage providing useful additional storage.
The enclosed rear garden is mainly laid to lawn but also benefits from patio seating area.