Entry via front facing UPVC and glazed door into kitchen/diner. A good sized fully fitted modern kitchen having a range of cupboards with contrasting work surfaces incorporating stainless steel sink and drainer. Also having electric oven with 4 ring gas hob and electric extractor fan above, space and plumbing for washing machine and fridge/freezer, tiled flooring and space for dining table. Benefiting from front and rear facing UPVC double glazed windows providing ample natural light.
A bright and airy lounge benefiting from a feature electric fireplace and solid wood flooring. Having front and rear facing UPVC double glazed windows and gas central heating radiator.
Large double room having carpeted flooring, gas central heating radiator, rear facing UPVC double glazed window and large storage cupboard over the stairs.
Good sized room having carpeted flooring, gas central heating radiator and rear facing UPVC double glazed window.
A further good sized room having laminate flooring, gas central heating radiator and front facing UPVC double glazed window.
Well presented family bathroom with matching 3 piece suite having panelled bath with shower over and glass shower screen, pedestal wash hand basin and low flush WC. Having tiling to the splashback areas, obscured front facing UPVC double glazed window and heated towel rail.
To the front of the property lies a lawned garden with path leading to the front door.
To the rear lies a split level garden with paved patio area, including a bin storage area, padlocked wooden shed, lawn and path leading to the rear gate.