Entry via front facing UPVC double glazed door into entrance hallway. Having laminate flooring, electric radiator and fuse board.
A well proportioned living space benefitting from feature electric fireplace, front facing UPVC double glazed window, and having laminate flooring.
Fitted with a range of wall and base units with complementary roll-edged worktops incorporating stainless steel sink with swan neck mixer tap, and four ring electric hob with electric oven beneath and extractor above. Also having space and plumbing for both washing machine and freestanding fridge freezer. Having cushioned flooring, tiled splashbacks and front facing UPVC double glazed window.
A good sized and neutrally decorated bedroom with rear facing UPVC double glazed window, carpeted flooring and electric radiator.
The bathroom is fitted with a white suite comprising; bath with electric shower over, pedestal wash hand basin and low flush WC. Having fully tiled walls, cushioned flooring and extractor fan.
Airing cupboard housing the immersion heater and space for storage.
The property has the added benefit of a single with up-and-over door and providing useful additional storage.